Avsträde - Det Stora Tunga Sjufa
Ayat - Six Years of Dormant Hatred
Azaghal - Mustamaa
Azaghal – Codex antitheus CD
Azaghal – Perkeleen Luoma Kyy CD
Bafomet - Baptized in Goat blood CD
Balmog - Necroangels' Revelations CD
Balmog – Necroangels revelations LP
Barbaric Horde -Axe of Superior Savagery LP
Barbatos/Blizzard – United metal punks Split LP
Bathory Legion - Drepe Handlisgsförmalat MCD
Baxaxaxa – Catacomb Cult CD
Beastcraft - The Nechronology of Unglodly Bestial Craft CD
Beastcraft – Baptised in blood and goatsemen CD
Beastcraft – Dawn of the serpent CD
Beastcraft- Into the burning pit of hell CD
Belarus Beaver - Symphony of Fallen Trees CD
Belenos - Errances Oniriques DLP
Belliciste - Bàrdachd Cogaidh CD
Beltez - A Grey Chill and a Whisper DIGI CD
Belzazel - Sword of Satan LP
Bergrizen - Winter Suicide / Verzweiflung DIGI CD
Besatt - Black Mass CD
Besatt - Hail Lucifer Roots of Evil