Maniac Butcher - Lučan - Antikrist DIGI CD
Moonblood - The Unholy MLP
Morbid Sacrifice - Cermonial Blood Worship CD
Mysteria Mystica Aeterna - The Temple of Eosphoros LP
Nastrond - Obumbratus Spiritus DIGI CD
Necro Ritus - Beast Unleashed CD
Necrochakal - The Early Black Sacrifices DIGI CD
Nightwalker - Dark Sorcery & The Witches Sabbath DIGI CD
Nocturnal Amentia/Black Grave - The Last Exhalation Before The End CD
Nominon - Chaos In The Flesh CD
Nûr - Futile Transcendence of the Cursed Ones CD
Oppresive Descent - Astral Projection Beyon The Grave DIGI CD
Ordalie - Indifferent Universe DIGI CD
Ordalie - Mass Of Perdition CD
Order From Chaos - An Ending in Fire CD
Order From Chaos - Dawn Bringer CD
Perverted Ceremony - Sabbat of Behezaël CD
Profane Order - One Nightmare Unto Another CD
Rising Murder - Reinos Muertos CD
Rituals of the Dead Hand - Blood Oath DIGI CD
Rodonitza - The Edges Of The Times CD
Rotting Christ - Fuck Christ Tour 93 CD
Sacrilegious Rite - Summoned from Beyond LP
SAD - Black Metal Craft CD
Sad - Devouring the Divine LP