Waroath - Damnacje CD
Warwulf - Echoes from the past long forgotten CD
Wedard - Einsamer Winterweg CD
Welkin 皇天 - 除邪 Will to Purification CD
Wende - The Third And The Noble CD
Wende - Vorspiel einer Philosophie der Zukunft CD
WENDOL - Almighty Dajjal Rising DIGI CD
Wendol – Wallachian Tyrannic Madness MCD
Weress - The Dungeon On The Moon DIGI CD
Werwolf - Blutgericht MCD
Wharflurch - Lurking Doom + Demo 2019 CD
Whirling – Faceless phenomena Digi CD
Whiskey & Funeral - Jesus Is Guilty CD
Whiskey & Funeral - Thy Malignant CD
White Medal - East Riding Cart Burial DIGI CD
Wineta - Zanim wstanie dzien/reh-93 CD
Winged - Blasphemies from the Arcane Past CD
Winged - From the Arcane Burning Legions CD
Wintaar - Frostland DIGI CD
Wintaar - Into Darkness We Return DIGI CD
Wintaar - Northernmight DIGI CD
Winterblut - Monotot CD
Winterblut - Seid furchtbar und zerstöret Euch!
Winterblut - Teufelseintreibung CD
Winterfullmoon - Death Eternal MCD